Medan Indonesia
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Medan The Largest City in Sumatra
Medan is the capital city of North Sumatra Province and the largest city in Sumetra with population around 2,5 million. Along the length of north Sumatra crosses the Bukit Barisan Mountains with peaks of numerous volcanoes with several lakes in between. The land has thick of virgin forest, lush vegetation, rice field, mountain streams, rivers, waterfall and sandy beaches. Like other big city in the world, Medan is warm and overcrowded business center. Still its worth while staying a short time in this city to see a number of special places to visit.
Medan Music and Dance
Tortor Dance is one popular dance in Medan especially at Bataks Village. The Pencak Silat, martial art is also usually performed at Medan when this city is having celebration.
Medan Home and Art Industry
Samosir Island is the village well known for its wood carving and weaving. The women in samosir island are very diligent in making weaving arts
Medan Custom and Traditions
Medan Savoring Appetite
Travelers could be enjoy various cuisine from Chinese food, Indian food, padang food and also European food in this city. In the evening until midnight Kesawan Square is food court which offer various food, specially Chinese food. The atmosphere is very unique with colorful light.
Medan Place of Attractions
Istana Maimun
the palace of the sultans of Deli. This palace have yellow roof border (yellow is the color of Malay royal house) and the characteristic Malay east coast architecture. The palace was designed by an Italian architect and was completed in 1888. The meeting room with portraits of the royal family of Deli, old Dutch furniture and a few weapons is opened to the public. The room has decorated tiles, supported by big pillars with flower pattern.
Mesjid Raya of grand Mosque
is located at the southern end of Medan is built in rococo style in 1906. constructed by an Italian architect in 1888. it is the largest mosque in the city. Inside are memorabilia such as Dutch furniture and lamps. Visitor can be entering this mosque and see the old luxury of design interior. Medan has the largest crocodile farm in Indonesia. Here one can see how the crocodile eggs are hatched. And then reared somewhere else. This farm is located at Asam Kumbang 5 km from the heart of the city, and has nearly 3000 crocodile of different kinds.
Medan Hotel accommodation
Medan Surrounding Area
Parapat and Lake Toba
Samosir Island
Tomok Village
Tomok is the main gateway of Samosir island. It is situated 9 kms from Parapat. In this village visitoris can see ancient houses in classic Batak styles, with carved beams and saddle shaped roofs. Near the village there is a tomb and sarcop hagi in the vicinity.Visitors can also buy interesting souvenir here. At least 100 stand have been set up to Tomok, selling the traditional ulos cloth, Batak calendar, carving, two-stringed mandolins and other items. Bargaining is is a European-style hotel which is quite out of place with its surroundings, to the east of Tomok.
Ambaritta Village
It’s situated 1 km away from Tuktuk or 13 km from Parapat, Ambaritta is a lonely village with many old Batak houses and stone tables and benches where meetings were held by the Sialagan chiefs in the past, here the decided the fate of criminals, the right time for harvesting rice, the date for weddings of the people and other important matters. Souveniers can also be bought here although there is less choice than in Tomok.
Tuk-Tuk Village
Tuktuk is an ideal place to rest and relax because it lies in a quite and peaceful site. Money hotels are available here for accommodation. The sandy beach and fresh water are very pleasant for sunbathing and the swimming.
Pematang Siantar
Great Bukit Barisan Forest Park.
Found there is the zoological museum and a gazebo with Karo ornaments designed on the top of the roof, painted with various writing of typical welcome greetings in Tapanuli, which is Horas.
Berastagi is an area full of beautiful sceneries. It lies on highlands of North Sumatra, on plateau : 1400 meters (4.594 feet) above sea level in clean, cool air, and is surrounded by majestic mountains and impenetrable jungle. The 66 kms road winding up the mountain side offers a fascinating trip. From Berastagi, there is a clear view of Mount Sinabung and Mount Sibayak. Mount Sibayak and extinct volcano 2000 m high, is not far way and can be climbed in a 3-hours hike to get a magnificent view of surrounding area. Adventurous tourist may also choose to go on a 3 to 5 days trip into jungle. Berastagi is well-known for it’s abundance of flowers, vegetables and fruits. The ‘Marquise’ in particular, is a fruit farmed throughout Indonesian for its delicious taste and is grown only in the Beratagi region. In the past few years. ’Pesta Buah’ (Fruit Festival)and ‘Pesta Mejuah-Mejuah’ have been celebrate annually. There is a charming old colonial-style hotel in Berastagi with a delightful golf course. In former times, Berastagi was a weekend resort for the European planters in the area.
Berastagi (meaning "rice store") is a town situated on crossroads on the main route linking the Karo highlands of Northern Sumatra to the coastal city of Medan. The village rose to significance when Dutch settlers in Sumatra opened a boarding school there in the 1920s. The main economic activities in Berastagi, centre on the colourful fruit and vegetable market and on tourism. Berastagi is famous for its passion fruit. The main attractions of the town are the two active volcanoes; Gunung Sibayak, with its hot springs, and Gunung Sinabung.The town is also a stop on the way to Lake Toba.
The Gunung Sibayak is a small volcano overlooking the town of Berastagi in northern Sumatra, Indonesia. Although its last eruption was more than a century ago, geothermal activity in the form of steam vents and hot springs remains high on and around the volcano. The vents produce crystalline sulfur, which was mined on a small scale in the past. Seepage of sulfurous gases has also caused acidic discolouration of the small crater lake.
The Gunung Sibayak ("gunung" means mountain, while "sibayak" is a term from the Karo Batak language referring to a founding community) is relatively easy to climb and became a tourist attraction already in colonial times.
The Gunung Sibayak ("gunung" means mountain, while "sibayak" is a term from the Karo Batak language referring to a founding community) is relatively easy to climb and became a tourist attraction already in colonial times.
Gundaling hill
Clear view of mountain Sibayak and Mt Sinabung volcanoes can be seen. The Village of Lingga Located some 15km from Brastagi is unique Batak Karo village where traditional houses are still well preserved and inhabited today. Five to six families live in each house, un separated by any partision, but each family have their own stoves.