Showing posts with label Medan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medan. Show all posts

Fasilitas Akomodasi Menara Lexus Hotel Medan

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto Saturday, January 05, 2013 0 comments for Hotel di Medan

Akomodasi dan Fasilitas Menara Lexus Hotel Medan

Hotel Medan Murah Fasilitas Akomodasi Menara Lexus Hotel Medan
Kamar Hotel di Menara Lexus Hotel Medan
Hotel Menara Lexus Medan di desain dengan harmonis dan keseimbangan dengan lingkungan, dengan total kamar 65 unit dengan beberapa tipe kamar pilihan yang disesuaikan untuk kebutuhan tamu lokal dan internasional.

Hotel Medan Murah Fasilitas Akomodasi Menara Lexus Hotel Medan

Pilihan tipe Kamar Hotel: Cek Harga!

  1. Lexus room: Kamar hotel dengan jumlah terbatas yang dirancang bagi mereka yang menghargai kenyamanan kesederhanaan dan minimalis. Setiap kamar dilengkapi dengan AC, TV kabel, Wi-Fi akses internet, shower berdiri, mandi kit dan mini bar.
  2. Classic room
  3. Superior room
  4. Deluxe room; Kamar hotel tipe Deluxe menawarkan pengaturan yang unik, kamar hotel baik dirancang. Dilengkapi dengan AC, TV, Wi-Fi, Mini Bar, kamar mandi pribadi dengan shower, sabun dan samphoo
  5. Grand Deluxe room
  6. Executive Room
  7. Executive Suite room; kamar hotel Executive Suite menawarkan kamar yang bersih dihiasi dengan gaya yang sederhana, terang, dan modern untuk menciptakan ruang yang nyaman. Setiap kamar dilengkapi dilengkapi dengan TV, AC, telepon, dan kamar mandi terpasang. Wi-Fi juga tersedia di dalam ruangan. Kamar yang nyaman menawarkan akomodasi yang bersih dan menyenangkan untuk tinggal Anda di kota Medan.

Fasilitas Hotel Menara Lexus Hotel Medan

  • Restaurant and Coffee Shop
  • Room Service (available 24 hours)
  • CCTV Security System
  • Cable TV
  • Laundry Service
  • Safety Deposit Box at Front Desk Counter
  • IDD Telephone
  • Free Wi-Fi all around hotel
  • Car rental
  • Taxi  Services
  • Major Credit Cards Accepted 

Hotel Menara Lexus Medan terdapat restaurant yang bernama "Monggo Pawon Solo" restaurant ini menyediakan berbagai masakan favorite Indonesia .... berkunjung ke Medan tanpa menikmati hidangan lokalnya akan kehilangan pengalaman yang sensasional.  Di restaurant ini juga dapat menikmati live musik setiap malam.

Restaurant Monggo Pawon Solo juga dapat digunakan sebagai tempat pertemuan bisnis, kumpul keluarga, tempat seminar, acara reserpsi pernikahan atau dapat digunakan sebagai tempat perayaan ulang tahun.  Nikmati kenyamanan selama berada di kota Medan di Hotel Menara Lexus


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Hotel di Medan, Menara Lexus Medan

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto Tuesday, April 03, 2012 0 comments for Hotel di Medan
Hotel Medan Murah, Hotel di Medan, Menara Lexus Medan
Hotel di Medan, Menara Lexus Medan

Hotel di Medan, Menara Lexus Medan adalah salah satu hotel murah di Medan yang mempunyai lokasi hotel yang ideal dan strategis di pusat kota Medanhotel di Medan ini dekat dan hanya 10 menit dari bandara Polonia Medan.

Alamat Hotel di Medan ini tepatnya berada di jalan Sisingamangaraja No.127 Medan, Sumatra utara Indonesia.

Hotel di Medan, Menara Lexus Medan menyediakan 65 unit kamar hotel yang nyaman berada taman yang indah.

Kamar Hotel di Medan, Menara Lexus Medan

Kamar hotel di desain dengan apik dengan harmony dan keseimbangan dengan alam sekitar.  Hotel di Medan, Menara Lexus Medan ini menyediakan 65 unit kamar hotel dengan berbagai kategori kamar, termasuk tipe suite.

Kategori kamar hotel dimulai dari kategori, Lexus room, Classic Room, Superior Room, Deluxe room, Grand Deluxe room, Executive Room dan Executive Suite room.
  • Kamar kategori Lexus room di Hotel di Medan, Menara Lexus Medan, merupakan kamar yang terbatas dengan desain yang simple dan minimalist, setiap kamar hotel ini dilengkapi dengan AC, Cable TV, Free WI FI akses internet, standing shower, bath kits dan minibar.
  • Kamar Deluxe room, menawarkan setting yang unik dengan desain yang apik, dilengkapi dengan AC, TV, Free Wifi, Minibar, private bathroom dengan shower, soap dan shampoo.
  • Executive Suite room; menawarkan kamar hotel nyaman dan bersih, didekorasi dengan warna terang dan modern. kamar hotel dilengkapi dengan TV, AC, Telephone, shower room, WIFI.

Fasilitas Hotel di Medan, Menara Lexus Medan

Hotel di Medan ini dilengkapi dengan fasilitas yang nyaman, aman dan modern. beberapa fasilitas hotel antara lain:
  • Restaurant & Coffee shop; restauran Monggo Pawon Solo (MPS) yang berada di Hotel di Medan, Menara Lexus Medan ini menawarkan taste of Indonesia.  selain itu restaurant ini juga menyediakan fasilitas untuk bisnis meeting, family gathering, seminar, wedding dan birthday party.
  • Room service 24 jam
  • CCTV security 24 jam
  • TV kabel
  • Laundry service
  • Safety deposit box di front desk counter
  • IDD telephone
  • Free WIFI di lingkungan hotel
  • Car rental

Voucher Hotel di Medan, Menara Lexus Medan

Bagi Anda yang sedang mencari hotel di Medan, Sumatra Utara, baik urusan bisnis, liburan atau apapun yang anda tuju di kota Medan ini, tak ada salahnya untuk mencoba menginap di  Hotel di Medan, Menara Lexus Medan ini.  Kenyamanan dan fasilitas hotel yang lengkap akan menyegarkan Anda selama beraktivitas di kota Medan ini dapat anda peroleh. menyediakan harga hotel dengan diskon khusus, bagi Anda yang ingin menginap di  Hotel di Medan, Menara Lexus Medan.  Hotel di Medan ini dapat diperoleh dengan harga kamar hotel di diskon hingga 60% OFF jika reservasi anda melalui adalah situs penyedia layanan voucher hotel murah di Indonesia. hikarivoucher ini dikelola oleh Hikari Travel Jakarta yang beralamat di jalan MPR I No. 10 Cilandak Jakarta.
Untuk mendapatkan voucher hotel murah di Hotel di Medan, Menara Lexus Medan ini cukup mudah, pertama masuk di situs dengan kotak pencarian yang terdapat di halaman situs untuk mencari Hotel di Medan, Menara Lexus Medan.  Lakukan booking sesuai yang anda inginkan.

Pabila Anda belum mempunyai akun di, anda akan masuk di halaman pendaftaran, isi sesuai kolom yang tersedia, dan aktivasi akun anda akan terkirim ke alamat email anda.  aktivasikan link yang terkirim ke alamat email Anda dan lakukan booking.
Perintah booking hotel yang telah Anda lakukan, akan terkirim ke meja reservasi hotel yang dituju, dan setelah informasi mengenai ketersediaan kamar konfirm, Anda akan menerima email pemberitahuan dan tagihan pabila kamar hotel tersedia berupa invoice.

Pembayaran dilakukan dengan transfer rekening ke akun yang berada di Bank Central Asia, atas nama PT. Hikari Multi Dinamika.  Setelah melakukan pembayaran dan melakukan konfirmasi pembayaran.  Anda akan menerima bukti lunas pembayaran (kwitansi pembayaran) telah diterima melalui email dan voucher Hotel di Medan, Menara Lexus Hotel Medan akan terkirim ke akun anda yang telah anda buat.  Silahkan download dan print voucher yang terdapat di akun anda untuk proses check in hotel.

Perlu diinformasikan beberapa point Mengenai Voucher hotel Murah bahwa;

  1. tidak mempunyai allotment kamar di Hotel di Medan, Menara Lexus Medan.
  2. Perintah booking yang anda lakukan langsung terkirim ke Hotel di Medan, Menara Lexus Medan.
  3. Proses reservasi hanya memerlukan waktu 30 menit saja (pabila dilakukan di office hour) dan reservasi yang diterima diluar jam kerja akan diproses di hari berikutnya di hari dan jam kerja. (jam kerja saat ini dari hari senin - jumat / hari besar, sabtu, minggu: libur.  Jam layanan reservasi dari jam 08.30 am hingga jam 17.30 pm.
  4. Semua pemberitahuan dilakukan melalui email dan akun anda.
  5. Tunjukan voucher Hotel di Medan, Menara Lexus Medan yang telah telah anda peroleh di hotel pada saat check in.

Baca Selengkapnya ....

Hotel di Medan, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto Monday, April 02, 2012 0 comments for Hotel di Medan

Hotel Medan Murah Hotel di Medan, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan Fasilitas Kamar hotel di Hotel di Medan, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan

Hotel di Medan, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan

Hotel Medan Murah Hotel di Medan, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan
Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan adalah hotel bintang lima yang terletak di jantung pusat bisnis dan dekat dengan Bandara Internasional Polonia.  Hotel di Medan  ini bersebelahan dengan kondominium Cambridge dan pusat perbelanjaan di Medan.

Fasilitas Hotel di Medan, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan

  • Business center with internet connection
  • Internet access at public areas
  • Concierge
  • Foreign currency exchange
  • Ticket confirmation
  • Postal service
  • Package and courier service
  • Airport transfer service
  • Laundry service
  • 24-hour in-room dining
  • Rendezvous Lobby Lounge
  • The Edge Restaurant
  • The View Lounge and Bar
  • Swiss-Cafe
  • 13 meeting rooms and ballroom
  • 24-hour security

Kamar hotel di Swiss Belhotel Medan dilengkapi dengan  AC, IDD Phone, TV satelit, akses internet, safety deposit box, coffee and tea maker,  Hair dryer, minibar, bath-up and separate shower, cold and hot water, bed yang nyaman.

Room Types in Swiss Belhotel Medan 

Grand Deluxe
Presidential Suite

Hotel Medan Murah Hotel di Medan, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan

Fasilitas Banquet Hotel di Medan, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan

Hotel di Medan, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan dilengkapi dengan 13 unit ruang meeting dan ballroom yang dapat mengakomodasi hingga 500  orang. Lokasi berada di lantai 2 dan lantai 25,  ruang meeting ini menawarkan ruang meeting pilihan yang dilengkapi dengan peralatan meeting dan audio visual yang lengkap. 

Business Center

Business Center in Swiss Belhotel Medan is a full range of secretarial services including IDD telephone lines, facsimile, photocopying, e-mail and broadband internet access.

Fasilitas Rekreasi Hotel di Medan, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan

Hotel Medan Murah Hotel di Medan, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan
Hotel di Medan ini dilengkapi dengan fasilitas hotel lengkap seperti Swimming Pool, kid’s pool, fitness center, spa and massage services, Cambridge Shopping Mall dengan berbagai  exclusive shops, children playground, restaurants, ATM dan berbagai hiburan lainnya.

The Rendezvous Lobby Lounge

Hotel di Medan ini menyediakan Rendezvous Lobby lounge sebagai tempat pertemua bisnis atau untuk relax relax sambil menikmati minuman dengan teman di lounge.  Makanan ringan ditawarkan sepanjang hari yang menyediakan menu masakan eropa dan Indonesia.

The Edge Restaurant

Nikmati keindahan panorama dari roof top dengan makanan ringan atau full meal  dari berbagai menu makanan yang tersedia atau relax dengan ditemani cocktail yang segar setelah kesibukan seharian.

The View Lounge and Bar

The View Lounge and Bar di hotel Medan ini berada di lantai 26th hotel, tempat yang trendy, colorful and cozy lounge dengan disain furniture yang menarik.  The View Lounge and Bar merupakan tempat yang nyaman di untuk relax sambil menikmati panorama kota Medan dan mendengarkan live music.


Swiss Cafe di Hotel di Medan, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan berada di lantai 1st hotel,  Swiss Cafe ini merupakan restaurant dengan desain kontemporer yang dilengkapi dengan modern setting dengan konsep dapur terbuka.  Restoran ini terlihat keluar ke bangunan sebelah dan dengan lokasi pusat, menjadikannya tempat yang ideal untuk mengambil mencicipi makanan atau makan lengkap. Konsep dapur terbuka melayani pilihan favorit Asia dan Barat.

Voucher Hotel di Medan, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan

Bagi Anda yang sedang mencari hotel di Medan, Sumatra Utara, baik urusan bisnis, liburan atau apapun yang anda tuju di kota Medan Sumatra utara ini, tak ada salahnya untuk mencoba menginap di Hotel di Medan, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan ini.  Kenyamanan dan fasilitas hotel yang lengkap akan menyegarkan Anda selama beraktivitas di kota Medan ini dapat anda peroleh. menyediakan harga hotel dengan diskon khusus, bagi Anda yang ingin menginap di Hotel di Medan, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan.  Hotel di Sumatra Utara ini dapat diperoleh dengan harga kamar hotel di diskon hingga 15% OFF jika reservasi anda melalui adalah situs penyedia layanan voucher hotel murah di Indonesia. hikarivoucher ini dikelola oleh Hikari Travel Jakarta yang beralamat di jalan MPR I No. 10 Cilandak Jakarta.
Untuk mendapatkan voucher hotel murah di Selatan ini cukup mudah, pertama masuk di situs dengan kotak pencarian yang terdapat di halaman situs untuk mencari Selatan .  Lakukan booking sesuai yang anda inginkan.

Pabila Anda belum mempunyai akun di, anda akan masuk di halaman pendaftaran, isi sesuai kolom yang tersedia, dan aktivasi akun anda akan terkirim ke alamat email anda.  aktivasikan link yang terkirim ke alamat email Anda dan lakukan booking.

Perintah booking hotel yang telah Anda lakukan, akan terkirim ke meja reservasi hotel yang dituju, dan setelah informasi mengenai ketersediaan kamar konfirm, Anda akan menerima email pemberitahuan dan tagihan pabila kamar hotel tersedia berupa invoice.

Pembayaran dilakukan dengan transfer rekening ke akun yang berada di Bank Central Asia, atas nama PT. Hikari Multi Dinamika.  Setelah melakukan pembayaran dan melakukan konfirmasi pembayaran.  Anda akan menerima bukti lunas pembayaran (kwitansi pembayaran) telah diterima melalui email dan voucher Hotel di Medan, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan akan terkirim ke akun anda yang telah anda buat.  Silahkan download dan print voucher yang terdapat di akun anda untuk proses check in hotel.

Perlu diinformasikan beberapa point bahwa;

  1. tidak mempunyai allotment kamar di Hotel di Medan, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan.
  2. Perintah booking yang anda lakukan langsung terkirim ke Hotel di Medan, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan.
  3. Proses reservasi hanya memerlukan waktu 30 menit saja (pabila dilakukan di office hour) dan reservasi yang diterima diluar jam kerja akan diproses di hari berikutnya di hari dan jam kerja. (jam kerja saat ini dari hari senin - jumat / hari besar, sabtu, minggu: libur.  Jam layanan reservasi dari jam 08.30 am hingga jam 17.30 pm.
  4. Semua pemberitahuan dilakukan melalui email dan akun anda.
  5. Tunjukan voucher Hotel di Medan, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan yang telah telah anda peroleh di hotel pada saat check in.

Baca Selengkapnya ....

Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa Hotel

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 0 comments for Hotel di Medan

Hotel Medan Murah Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa Hotel

Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa  adalah hotel berbintang lima di Medan yang terletak di jantung bisnis dan perbelanjaan di kota Medan.  Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa  berlokasi yang tepat bagi Anda sedang melakukan bepergian untuk keperluan bisnis atau untuk untuk berlibur. Medan Hotel ini hanya berkendaraan singkat dari bandara internasional Polonia.

Medan Hotel

Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa  ini juga menyediakan penginapan kamar hotel yagn dilengkapi layanan yang paling komprehensif dengan fasilitas lengkap dengan harga hotel murah yang terjangkau di kelas nya.

Fasilitas Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa  Medan

Grand Angkasa Hotel Medan juga merupakan pilihan yang sempurna untuk mengadakan event pertemuan, seminar, konvensi dan pameran dengan kapasitas duduk untuk 1200 yang terdapat di Grand Ballroom.
Dari saat Anda melangkah ke Grand Angkasa Hotel Medan, Anda akan disambut oleh staf hotel yang ramah. Anda juga dapat bersantai di outdoor kolam renang hotel yang indah, pusat kebugaran, sauna dan jacuzzi. Untuk malam yang penuh dengan kesenangan, hiburan, musik hidup dan berbagai pilihan minuman, Grand Angkasa Hotel Medan tersedia Blue Lounge, Karaoke dan Soccer Lounge Music.
Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa  Guest Floor - Executive Floor

Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa  Guest Floor

Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa  merupakan penginapan hotel mewah di kota Medan Sumatra utara, menawarkan lantai mewah untuk tamu dan lantai Eksekutif,  Kamar hotel di Grand Angkasa Medan memiliki kategori: 

• 93 Superior, (28,25 m²)
• 119 Deluxe, (28,25 m²)
• 8 Junior Suites, (50 m²)
• 10 Executive Suites, (76,5 m²)
Setiap kamar hotel di Grand Angkasa Medan dilengkapi dengan fitur: • Electronic Ving Card • Remote Control TV. (Cable & Satellite & In-House Movies) • Personal mini bar, • Refrigerator, • Coffee & Tea making facilities, • Electronic personal mini safe • Individually controlled system, Alarm clock, Light control, Air conditioner, IDD telephone system • Writing table  • Full-length mirror  • Luxury bathroom • Separate shower cubical • Bathtub • Hairdryer • Comfortable bed - With feather duvet • Fire safety system, Sprinkler, Smoke detector, Non smoking floor, • 24 hours Room Service Guest Floor Features

Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa  : Executive Floor

Hotel Medan Murah Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa Hotel Hotel Medan Murah Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa Hotel Hotel Medan Murah Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa Hotel
Angkasa Executive Lounge Dining room Presidential Suite
Living room Presidential Suite
Hotel Medan Murah Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa Hotel Hotel Medan Murah Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa Hotel Hotel Medan Murah Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa Hotel
Presidential suite Family Suite Rm Family Suite Room
Executive floor in Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa  dividing with category • 3 Star Suite • 4 Grand Suites • 2 Family Suites • 1 President Suites
Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa  Lantai Eksekutif Agung, terletak di lantai atas hotel, Lantai Eksekutif di Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa  menawarkan kontemporer dan hangat layanan eksklusif perhotelan asian. Lantai Agung Eksekutif cocok antara wisatawan dan tamu yang mencari privasi tambahan.

Sepuluh Suites di dekorasi Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa  memadukan nada lembut menjanjikan kepuasan, meningkat oleh panorama Kota Medan. Lantai hanya dapat diakses menggunakan kartu kunci pribadi diamankan di lift. Pengunjung di lantai ini dapat menikmati makanan mereka di The Lounge Eksekutif Agung yang menghadap ke Kota Medan dan menangkap berita bisnis terbaru di televisi satelit atau membaca berbagai publikasi.
Located at the 11th floor
• 3 Star Deluxe, (39,8 m²)
• 4 Grand Suite, (79,3 m²)
• 2 Family Suite (117,9 m²)
• 1 Presidential Suite (336,47 m²)

• BUTLER SERVICE ( 24 hours )

Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa  senilai tamu mendapat perhatian bahkan hangat individu dari pelayan kami. Setibanya pelayan akan mengantar dan menyambut Anda ke Executive Lounge dengan minuman selamat datang dan handuk dingin.
Guest Benefits:
• Guest located at the 11 floor that give you special private and comfortable of staying.
• Executive Lounge for rendez-vous with friends get together or business discussion.
• Daily High Tea at 3 pm - 6 pm for 2 pax
• Welcome drink and cold towel upon arrival
• Full butler service.
• Special Fruit and Flower arrangements
• Private breakfast or dining at Executive Lounge.
• Complimentary use of Meeting Room for two hours per stay.
• Complimentary Pressing of a suit or dress upon arrival.

Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa  Executive Lounge

Lounge Eksekutif di Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa  dirancang dengan lingkungan yang nyaman dan dihiasi dengan lukisan alami ideal untuk rendez-ous dengan teman atau kolega baik.
Lounge Eksekutif di Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa  dilengkapi dengan dengan peralatan mewah dan fasilitas dengan televisi Plasma menemani Anda dengan Channel TV terbaik kami di wilayah ini dan berbagai surat kabar internasional dan majalah yang nyaman tersedia. Ruang rapat kecil yang terpisah melayani selama 8 pax dilengkapi dengan layar raksasa
Lounge Eksekutif secara ketat penggunaan oleh para tamu Angkasa Eksekutif dan semua manfaat yang diterapkan oleh para tamu Angkasa Eksekutif saja.

Voucher Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa

Bagi Anda yang sedang mencari hotel di Medan, baik urusan bisnis, liburan atau apapun yang anda tuju di kota Medan ini, tak ada salahnya untuk mencoba menginap di Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa   ini.  Kenyamanan dan fasilitas hotel yang lengkap akan menyegarkan Anda selama beraktivitas di kota Medan ini dapat anda peroleh. menyediakan harga hotel dengan diskon khusus, bagi Anda yang ingin menginap di Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa .  Hotel di Medan, Sumatra Utara ini dapat diperoleh dengan harga kamar hotel di diskon hingga  % OFF jika reservasi anda melalui adalah situs penyedia layanan voucher hotel murah di Indonesia. hikarivoucher ini dikelola oleh Hikari Travel Jakarta yang beralamat di jalan MPR I No. 10 Cilandak Jakarta.
Untuk mendapatkan voucher hotel murah di Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa  ini cukup mudah, pertama masuk di situs dengan kotak pencarian yang terdapat di halaman situs untuk mencari Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa .  Lakukan booking sesuai yang anda inginkan.
Pabila Anda belum mempunyai akun di, anda akan masuk di halaman pendaftaran, isi sesuai kolom yang tersedia, dan aktivasi akun anda akan terkirim ke alamat email anda.  aktivasikan link yang terkirim ke alamat email Anda dan lakukan booking.
Perintah booking hotel yang telah Anda lakukan, akan terkirim ke meja reservasi hotel yang dituju, dan setelah informasi mengenai ketersediaan kamar konfirm, Anda akan menerima email pemberitahuan dan tagihan pabila kamar hotel tersedia berupa invoice.
Pembayaran dilakukan dengan transfer rekening ke akun yang berada di Bank Central Asia, atas nama PT. Hikari Multi Dinamika.  Setelah melakukan pembayaran dan melakukan konfirmasi pembayaran.  Anda akan menerima bukti lunas pembayaran (kwitansi pembayaran) telah diterima melalui email dan voucher Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa  akan terkirim ke akun anda yang telah anda buat.  Silahkan download dan print voucher yang terdapat di akun anda untuk proses check in hotel.

Perlu diinformasikan beberapa point bahwa;
  1. tidak mempunyai allotment kamar Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa .
  2. Perintah booking yang anda lakukan langsung terkirim ke Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa .
  3. Proses reservasi hanya memerlukan waktu 30 menit saja (pabila dilakukan di office hour) dan reservasi yang diterima diluar jam kerja akan diproses di hari berikutnya di hari dan jam kerja. (jam kerja saat ini dari hari senin - jumat / hari besar, sabtu, minggu: libur.  Jam layanan reservasi dari jam 08.30 am hingga jam 17.30 pm.
  4. Semua pemberitahuan dilakukan melalui email dan akun anda.
  5. Tunjukan voucher Hotel di Medan, Grand Angkasa  yang telah telah anda peroleh di hotel pada saat check in.

Baca Selengkapnya ....

JW Marriott Medan

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto Sunday, December 25, 2011 0 comments for Hotel di Medan
JW Marriott Medan adalah penginapan hotel mewah berbintang 5 dengan layanan yang internasional,  JW Marriott Medan  ini terletak di jantung daerah komersial Medan yang bergengsi dan pusat kota, nyaman untuk akses ke kantor-kantor pemerintah, museum, dan budaya Medan yang menarik. JW Marriott Medan ini menyediakan 287 kamar hotel dan suite, JW Marriott Medan adalah hotel mewah terbesar di Medan, Indonesia. Hotel host Spa Quan dan Pusat Kebugaran, lingkungan eksklusif dan melihat terbesar menawarkan penyembuhan aura untuk perawatan spa, ruang uap, sauna, pusaran air panas dengan TV plasma, gym dengan peralatan terbaru dan kelas Yoga.
  • JW Marriott Medan adalah sekitar 6 kilometer atau 15 menit berkendara dengan mobil dari Bandara Internasional Polonia, dan seleksi utama Anda untuk bersantai
  • JW Marriott Medan dilengkapi Spa Quan dan Pusat Kebugaran, lingkungan eksklusif dan melihat terbesar menawarkan penyembuhan aura untuk perawatan spa, kamar uap.

Kamar hotel di JW Marriot Medan

Kamar Hotel JW Marriott Medan* Five-star Medan hotel’s accommodations feature stunning views and upscale amenities
* Revive bedding with fluffy pillows, plush mattresses & rich linens provide a restful night’s sleep
* Spacious bathrooms & rain showers are hallmarks of this five-star hotel in Medan
* Plug-and-Play connectivity for iPods and other electronics allow you to work and relax with ease
* All guest rooms feature a mini-bar, hair dryer, separate bath and shower , air -conditioned, telephone. flat-panel TV, daily news paper on request, and High speed Internet, Wired Internet,  and Wireless Internet, for a fee.
* Three executive floor at this five-star hotel in Medan offer for the ultimate in privacy & service 

Tipe kamar di JW Marriot Medan

Tipe Kamar JW Marriott Medan

  • JW Marriott Medan tipe kamar Deluxe Room dilengkapi dengan  1 King or 2 Double, City view
  • JW Marriott Medan tipe kamar hotel Executive level dilengkapi dengan 1 King or 2 Double, City view
  • JW Marriott Medan tipe kamar Executive Deluxe berada di  Executive level, Larger Guest room, 1 King, City view
  • Executive lounge access, 1 Bedroom Junior Suite, 1 King, City view
  • Ambassador Suite, Executive level, 1 Bedroom Larger Suite, 1 King, City view
  • Executive level, 1 bedroom Presidential Suite, 1 King, City view

Fasilitas Hotel JW Marriot Medan

JW Marriot Medan – Restaurants & Lounges

  • Marriott Cafe di JW Marriott Medan merupakan  nuansa International dari seluruh penjuru dunia di satu tempat.
  • Jade Chinese Restaurant di JW Marriott Medan adalah tempat untuk menikmati masakan asli Cantonese cuisines
  • Prime Steak House – The Best Steak in Medan
  • Prime Bar – The right place to unwind your evening
  • Marriott Gourmet – Delicious fresh baked breads, pastries and hand made chocolates
  • The Lounge di JW Marriott Medan adalah tempat ideal untuk mengadakan informal meeting

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Hotel di Medan

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 0 comments for Hotel di Medan

Daftar Hotel di MedanHOTEL DI MEDAN::  Kota Medan adalah ibu kota provinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Kota ini merupakan kota terbesar di Pulau Sumatera. Kota Medan merupakan pintu gerbang wilayah Indonesia bagian barat dan juga sebagai pintu gerbang bagi para wisatawan untuk menuju objek wisata Brastagi di daerah dataran tinggi Karo, objek wisata Orangutan di Bukit Lawang, Danau Toba.

Daftar Hotel di Medan

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Harga | Tarif Hotel Grand Angkasa Medan | hotel di Medan

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto Tuesday, October 11, 2011 0 comments for Hotel di Medan

Indonesia Hotel

Category (stars).:

Hotel Grand Angkasa Medan (Bintang 5)

Hotel Grand Angkasa Medan adalah hotel berbintang lima dan terletak di jantung bisnis dan perbelanjaan Kota Medan. Lokasi hotel Grand Angkasa sangat strategis dan cocok bagi anda sedang bepergian untuk bisnis atau untuk bersantai. Hanya berkendara singkat dari bandara internasional Polonia Medan.

Hotel berbintang lima di kota Medan ini juga mempunyak kamar hotel dengan layanan hotel yang paling komprehensif dan berfasilitas. Namun nilai tidak terpengaruh oleh kebijakan harga yang terjangkau kami. Grand Angkasa Hotel terdapat in house hiburan dan Saluran TV yang terbaik di Medan.

Fasilitas Hotel GrandAngkasa Medan 

Fasilitas, Harga | Tarif Hotel Grand Angkasa Medan | hotel di Medan
Family Suite, Harga | Tarif Hotel Grand Angkasa Medan | hotel di Medan
Grand Angkasa Fam suite
Grand Angkasa Hotel juga merupakan pilihan yang sempurna untuk pertemuan, seminar, konvensi dan pameran dengan kapasitas duduk untuk 1200 di Grand Ballroom hotel. Dari saat Anda melangkah ke hotel grand Angkasa, Anda akan disambut oleh staf hotel yang ramah serasa di rumah. Anda juga dapat bersantai di kolam renang yang indah luar Hotel, pusat kebugaran, sauna, dan jacuzzi. Untuk malam yang penuh dengan kesenangan, hiburan, musik hidup dan berbagai pilihan minuman, Grand Angkasa Hotel menganjurkan untuk mencoba Blue Lounge, Soccer Karaoke dan Lounge Musik.

Kata "Angkasa" di Indonesia berarti "Universe" sebagaimana tercermin dalam budaya layanan hotel yang mempromosikan layanan Perhotelan yang real Indonesia. Pemahaman tentang kebutuhan kamar hotel dan privasi secara alami antara nilai-nilai tim inti dalam memastikan bahwa tamu hotel diurus dengan baik. Namun, Grand Angkasa Hotel berusaha untuk mencapai terbaik dalam mempromosikan kepuasan tamu total.

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Hotel Tiara Medan

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto Friday, May 06, 2011 0 comments for Hotel di Medan
Tiara Hotel Medan the located is right the down town area of Medan, only a minutes away to Medan International Airport, Tiara Hotel Medan is suitable for Bussinees Travellers and tourist , Hotel Tiara Medan is seven storeys hotel with 95 superior rooms, 68 executive room, 6 executive suite

Hotel Tiara Medan tipe Superior Room

  • Satelite TV & In House Movies/Music/Radio
  • Air-Conditioning with Airspeed Control
  • Internet Broadband Service
  • IDD Telephone & bathroom extension line
  • Bedside Control Panel
  • Mini Fridge
  • Mini Bar on request
  • Hot/Cold Water, Long Bathtub & Shower
  • Breakfast at Kutaraja Restaurant
  • Welcome Drink & Fruit Platter
  • Tea & Coffee Making Facilities
  • Complimentary Mineral Water
Executive Suite Hotel Tiara Medan

 Hotel Tiara Medan: Executive Suite

  • Satelite TV & In House Movies/Music/Radio
  • Air-Conditioning with Airspeed Control
  • Internet Broadband Service
  • IDD Telephone & bathroom extension line
  • Bedside Control Panel
  • Mini Fridge
  • Mini Bar on request
  • Hot/Cold Water, Long Bathtub & Shower
  • Welcome Drink & Fruit Basket
  • Tea & Coffee Making Facilities
  • Breakfast & Evening Tea at Executive Lounge (6th Floor)
  • Hairdryer & weight scale
  • Local Newspaper
  • Internet Access Facility
  • Late Check Out till 14.00
  • Transfer Airport to Hotel
  • Duvet & additional Large Pillows
  • Complimentary Mineral Water
  • Hand Towel
Junior Suite Hotel Tiara Medan

Hotel Tiara Medan Junior Suite

  • VIP Fruit Basket & Cookies
  • VIP Check In at Executive Lounge or Room
  • Internet Broadband Service
  • Cordless telephone in Room
  • Additional Bolster
  • Additional Bathroom Amenities
  • Hand & Face Towels
  • 2 Newspapers
  • Special Tiara Hotel Souvenir
  • Electronic Safe
Executive Suite Hotel Tiara Medan

 Hotel Tiara Medan Executive Suite:

  • VIP Fruit Basket & Cookies
  • VIP Check In at Executive Lounge or Room
  • Internet Broadband Service
  • Cordless telephone in Room
  • Additional Bolster
  • Additional Bathroom Amenities
  • Hand & Face Towel
  • 2 Newspapers
  • Special Tiara Hotel Souvenir
  • Electronic Safe
  • Separate Living Room Area
  • Additional TV
  • Additional Guest Bathroom
  • Balcony Area

 Hotel Tiara Medan Tiara Suite

  • Living Room
  • VIP Fruit Basket & Cookies
  • VIP Check In at Executive Lounge or Room
  • Internet Broadband Service
  • Cordless telephone in Room
  • Additional Bolster
  • Additional Bathroom Amenities
  • Hand & Face Towels
  • 2 Newspapers
  • Special Tiara Hotel Souvenir
  • Electronic Safe
  • Separate Living Room Area
  • Additional TV
  • Additional Guest Bathroom
  • Balcony Area
 Presidential Suite Hotel Tiara Medan

Hotel Tiara Medan Presidential Suite :

  • Living Room with 29" Color Satellite TV
  • VVIP Fruit Basket & Cookies
  • VVIP Check In at Executive Lounge or Room
  • Internet Broadband Service
  • Cordless telephone in Room
  • Additional Bolster
  • Hand & Face Towels
  • 2 Newspapers
  • Special Tiara Hotel Souvenir
  • Electronic Safe
  • Separate Living Room Area
  • Additional Guest Bathroom
  • Balcony Area
  • Kitchenette
  • Jacuzzi
  • Shower Room
  • Magazines
  • Unlimited Mineral Water
  • Unlimited Coffee & Tea Making Supplies
  • Additional amenities/toileties on request
  • Dining Table & dining set
  • Escort to room by Senior Management (GM/EAM)
  • Butler upon request

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North Sumatra leading tourist destinations

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto Sunday, July 18, 2010 0 comments for Hotel di Medan
North Sumatra as a whole including the Lake Toba is one of the favored tourist destination. In fact, every region in Indonesia interesting to visit.

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Finding Icons Medan

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto Wednesday, July 14, 2010 0 comments for Hotel di Medan
As this is rather difficult to describe what in fact became an icon of Medan. Unlike in some twenty years ago, the city of Medan never got a nickname as "Paris van Sumatra", referring to one of the famous cities in Europe.

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Watch Together Final World Cup at the Hotel Grand Angkasa Medan

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto Tuesday, July 13, 2010 0 comments for Hotel di Medan
the Hotel Grand Angkasa Medan
The atmosphere of the lobby Hotel Angkasa Medan Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan Medan crowded with voices shouting and trumpets as the hotel management held a watch party with the 2010 World Cup final between the Netherlands vs. Spain, Monday (12 / 7) at dawn. Watch together lively atmosphere increases with the appearance Sugistino who predicted Spanish victory.
Two teams took the stronghold of supporters of a separate place, though still in a room at the Rainbow Cafe, Blue Lounge and hotel lobbies. Not less than 200 guests and visitors come to see the final game.

GM Hotel Grand Angkasa International Terence T Lee say, during the World Cup took place in 2010 it held a month-long watch together during match. according to him the event is part of hotel services and facilities provided to guests.

Special to the final between the Netherlands vs. Spain held Monday (12 / 7) morning, Hotel Grand Angkasa International honored guest's arrival and the Dutch Consul in Medan, who participate directly witnessed the game at the hotel. In this event also participate Dutch honorary consul for Medan Ony Kesuma and U.S. Consul General for  Medan Stanley Harsha.

To light up the atmosphere, the lobby decorated  with miniature stadium made by chocolate with a size of 120 Kg 2.5 x1, 5 meters. At around the stadium was decorated with miniature flags of World Cup participants and other accessories made from chocolate.

Indawati Onggo, Public Relations Manager of Hotel Angkasa Medan said the stadium is shown to brighten the world cup held in South Africa.

Equipped with four-screen wide-screen LCD and 10 units of 42-inch sizes, spectators saw the game freely. Daniel, who since the beginning of the Spanish candidate to win a full look happy when Andres Iniesta achieve the scored

At the end event, forecasters Sugistino proves the prediction made on June 11, 2010 and then stored in a metal box hanging in the lobby.  The prediction results show the Spanish team victory with the score 0-1 by Andres Iniesta scored in 116 minutes that the audience applauded.

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Grand Antares Hotel Medan

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto Tuesday, June 22, 2010 0 comments for Hotel di Medan
Grand Antares Hotel Medan
The Grand Antares Hotel Medan is ideally located in Capital city North of Sumatra, Medan,  Hotel Grand Antares Indonesia, Medan is 4 star platinum hotel on a service level that equals any 5 star hotel.
Grand Antares Hotel Indonesia is ideally located in central of Medan City close to business industrial area, shopping and entertainment districts, approximately 15 minutes from Polonia International Airport.

Grand Antares Medan Service & Facilities

    * 143 Guests Room
    * Meeting Room & Ballroom
    * Astro Coffee Shop
    * Lobby Lounge
    * Car Rental
    * Business Centre
    * WiFi Internet Access at Lobby and Restaurant
    * Private Karaoke Room
    * Airport Shuttel Service
    * Boutique Patisserie
    * Mushola
    * Laundry and dry Cleaning
    * Venus Live Music
    * Doctor on call
    * Drugstore
    * Catering & Convention
    * 24 hours Security System

Grand Antares Hotel Medan Room Accommodation

Grand Antares Superior Room

Superior room Grand Antares Hotel Medan
* Superior Facilities TV LG 21 inch * Telephone IDD * Individual Air Conditioning in Rooms * Hot Water * Satellite Television * Internet Access and WiFi at Lobby and Astro Coffee Shop * Electronic Key Card Access to Room * In Room Safety Deposit Box * Coffee and Tea Making Facilities * Mini Bar * Soap and Shampoo * Bath Gel * Tooth Paste * Free Mineral Bottle in Room * Extra Bed (Upon request)

Grand Antares Deluxe Room

Deluxe room Grand Antares Hotel Medan

Deluxe Room Facilities

* TV LG 21 inch * Telephone IDD * Individual Air Conditioning in Rooms * Hot Water * Satellite Television * Internet Access and WiFi at Lobby and Astro Coffee Shop * Electronic Key Card Access to Room * In Room Safety Deposit Box * Coffee and Tea Making Facilities * Mini Bar * Soap and Shampoo * Bath Gel * Tooth Paste * Free Mineral Bottle in Room * Extra Bed (Upon request)

Grand Antares Business Room

*  Business Room Facilities TV LG 21 inch * Telephone IDD * Individual Air Conditioning in Rooms * Hot Water * Satellite Television * Internet Access and WiFi at Lobby and Astro Coffee Shop * Electronic Key Card Access to Room * In Room Safety Deposit Box * Coffee and Tea Making Facilities * Mini Bar * Soap and Shampoo * Bath Gel * Tooth Paste * Free Mineral Bottle in Room * Extra Bed (Upon request)

Grand Antares Executive Room

*  Executive Room Facilities TV LG 21 inch * Telephone IDD * Individual Air Conditioning in Rooms * Hot Water * Satellite Television * Internet Access and WiFi at Lobby and Astro Coffee Shop * Electronic Key Card Access to Room * In Room Safety Deposit Box * Coffee and Tea Making Facilities * Mini Bar * Soap and Shampoo * Bath Gel * Tooth Paste * Free Mineral Bottle in Room* Extra Bed (Upon request)

Grand Antares Suite Room

* Suite Room Facilities TV LG 29 inch and TV LG 21 inch * Telephone IDD * Individual Air  Conditioning in Rooms * Hot Water * Satellite Television * Internet Access and WiFi at Lobby and Astro Coffee Shop * Electronic Key Card Access to Room * In Room Safety Deposit Box * Coffee and Tea Making Facilities * Mini Kitchen * Mini Bar * Dining Room * Standing Shower * Soap and Shampoo * Bath Gel * Tooth Paste * Free Mineral Bottle in Room * Extra Bed (Upon request)

Hotel Grand ANTARES
Jalan Sisingamangaraja
No. 328 Medan 20152
North Sumatera, Indonesia
Telp : (62-61) 788 3555

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Aryaduta Hotel Medan

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 0 comments for Hotel di Medan

Aryaduta Hotel Medan

The Aryaduta Hotel Medan is ideally situated at the heart of Medan’s central business and shopping district. Only a 15-minute drive away from The Polonia International Airport, the hotel is on top of “Grand Palladium Mall”.
The Aryaduta Hotel Medan
Jl. Kapten Maulana Lubis No. 8
Medan 20112, North Sumatera, Indonesia
T. +62 61 457 2999;  F. +62 61 457 1999

Hotel Aryaduta Medan Rooms

Deluxe Room

Located on the 9th and 10th floors with spectacular city and pool view, featuring modern and elegant décor, the rooms offer king and twin bed topped with fluffy duvet and down feather pillows, a 26" or larger LCD flat screen TV, broadband internet access and deluxe amenities featuring an elegant bath with glass-enclosed shower.

Facilities & Amenities

    * Extensive mini bar
    * In-room safety deposit box (notebook size)
    * Individual air conditioning control
    * 26 " or larger LCD flat screen TV
    * Satellite TV channels
    * IDD Telephone
    * Electronic key card system
    * Coffee and Tea making facilities
    * Full set of bathroom amenities including Bathrobes, Slippers, Hairdryer
    * Evening turn-down service
    * High speed internet access
    * Daily local newspaper
    * 24-hour in-room dining services
    * In-room shopping facilities

Inclusive Benefits

    * Complimentary International Buffet Breakfast for 2 persons
    * Complimentary Welcome and Farewell drink
    * Complimentary usage of the Workout Center

Aryaduta Club

Located on The Aryaduta Club Floor and overlooking the city and the courtyard pool, The Aryaduta Club rooms offer exclusive accommodation with access to the exclusive Aryaduta Club Lounge that serves International Buffet Breakfast, Afternoon Tea and Evening Cocktails. The room’s sleek decor includes king and twin bed topped with fluffy duvet and down feather pillows, a 26" or larger LCD flat screen TV, broadband internet access and deluxe amenities featuring a spacious elegant bath with glass-enclosed shower.

Facilities & Amenities

    * Extensive mini bar
    * In-room safety deposit box (notebook size)
    * Individual air conditioning control
    * 26 " or larger LCD flat screen TV
    * Satellite TV channels
    * IDD Telephone
    * Electronic key card system
    * Coffee and Tea making facilities
    * Exclusive Aryaduta bathroom toiletries and amenities including Bathrobes, Slippers, Hairdryer
    * Evening turn-down service
    * High speed internet access
    * Selections of national and international newspaper and magazines
    * 24-hour in-room dining services
    * In-room shopping facilities

Inclusive Benefits

    * Complimentary guest airport transfers
    * Complimentary International Buffet Breakfast for 2 persons
    * Complimentary Welcome and Farewell drink
    * Complimentary Afternoon Tea and Evening Cocktails
    * 1 hour complimentary use of Aryaduta Lounge Boardroom
    * Complimentary usage of the Workout Center
    * Airline boarding assistance

Aryaduta Pool Terrace

Along the side of the beautiful courtyard pool, the rooms have direct access and spectacular view from an outdoor terrace and feature king and twin beds topped with fluffy duvet and down feather pillows, a 26" or larger LCD flat screen TV, broadband internet access and deluxe amenities featuring an elegant bath with glass-enclosed shower. It also provides exclusive access to The Aryaduta Club Lounge that serves International Buffet Breakfast, Afternoon Tea and Evening Cocktails.

Facilities & Amenities

    * Extensive mini bar
    * In-room safety deposit box (notebook size)
    * Individual air conditioning control
    * 26 " or larger LCD flat screen TV
    * Satellite TV channels
    * IDD Telephone
    * Electronic key card system
    * Coffee and Tea making facilities
    * Exclusive Aryaduta bathroom toiletries and amenities including Bathrobes, Slippers, Hairdryer
    * Evening turn-down service
    * High speed internet access
    * Selections of national and international newspaper and magazines
    * 24-hour in-room dining services
    * In-room shopping facilities

Inclusive Benefits

    * Complimentary guest airport transfers
    * Complimentary International Buffet Breakfast for 2 persons
    * Complimentary Welcome and Farewell drink
    * Complimentary Afternoon Tea and Evening Cocktails
    * 1 hour complimentary use of Aryaduta Lounge Boardroom
    * Complimentary usage of the Workout Center
    * Airline boarding assistance

Aryaduta Premiere

The Aryaduta Premiere rooms on the 9th, 10th and The Aryaduta Club Floor, with its spectacular view of the city, is equipped with a king size bed topped with fluffy duvet and down feather pillows, a 32" LCD flat screen TV, broadband internet access and elegant bathroom with glass-enclosed shower.  It provides exclusive access to The Aryaduta Club Lounge that serves International Buffet Breakfast, Afternoon Tea and Evening Cocktail.

Facilities & Amenities

    * Extensive mini bar
    * In-room safety deposit box (notebook size)
    * Individual air conditioning control
    * 32"  LCD flat screen TV
    * Satellite TV channels
    * IDD Telephone
    * Electronic key card system
    * Coffee and Tea making facilities
    * Exclusive Aryaduta bathroom toiletries and  amenities including Bathrobes, Slippers, Hairdryer
    * Evening turn-down service
    * High speed internet access
    * Selections of national and international newspaper and magazines
    * 24-hour in-room dining services
    * In-room shopping facilities

Inclusive Benefits

    * Complimentary guest  airport transfers
    * Complimentary Welcome and Farewell drink
    * Complimentary International Buffet Breakfast for 2 persons
    * Complimentary Afternoon Tea and Evening Cocktails
    * 1 hour complimentary use of Aryaduta Lounge Boardroom
    * Complimentary usage of the Workout Center
    * Airline boarding assistance

Business Suite

With magnificent view and convenient access to the courtyard pool, the elegant 50 square meter suite features stylish contemporary décor, comprised of a private bedroom with king size bed topped with fluffy duvet and down feather pillows not to mention the luxurious amenities in the elegant bathroom with green marble basin and glass-enclosed shower, spacious living room with a 42” LCD flat screen TV, dining area with kitchenette and working area with broadband internet access. The Suite also provides exclusive access to The Aryaduta Club Lounge that serves International Buffet Breakfast, Afternoon Tea and Evening Cocktails.

Facilities & Amenities

    * Spacious Living Room
    * Dining area with kitchenette
    * Working area
    * High speed internet access
    * Extensive mini bar
    * In-room safety deposit box (notebook size)
    * Individual air conditioning control
    * 42" LCD flat screen TV
    * Satellite TV channels
    * IDD Telephone
    * Electronic key card system
    * Coffee and Tea making facilities
    * Exclusive Aryaduta bathroom toiletries and  amenities including Bathrobes, Slippers, Hairdryer
    * Evening turn-down service
    * Selections of national and international newspaper and magazines
    * 24-hour in-room dining services
    * In-room shopping facilities

Inclusive Benefits

    * Complimentary guest  airport transfers
    * Complimentary Welcome and Farewell drink
    * Complimentary International Buffet Breakfast for 2 persons
    * Complimentary Afternoon Tea and Evening Cocktails
    * 1 hour complimentary use of Aryaduta Lounge Boardroom
    * Complimentary usage of the Workout Center
    * Airline boarding assistance

Aryaduta Suite

With spectacular view of the city, the 290 square meter Aryaduta suite features a classic modern décor. The Suite offers one master bedroom with twin king size bed and one bedroom with twin king size bed, all topped with fluffy duvet and down feather pillows, luxurious amenities in the elegant bathroom with marble tub and glass-enclosed shower, spacious living room with a 42” LCD flat screen, dining area with kitchenette and working area with broadband internet access. The Suite also provides exclusive access to The Aryaduta Club Lounge that serves International Buffet Breakfast, Afternoon Tea and Evening Cocktails.

Facilities & Amenities

    * Spacious Living Room
    * Dining area with kitchenette
    * Working area
    * Free high speed internet access
    * Complimentary extensive mini bar
    * In-room laptop safety deposit box
    * Individual air conditioning control
    * 42" LCD flat screen TV
    * Satellite TV channels
    * IDD Telephone
    * Electronic key card system
    * Coffee and Tea making facilities
    * Luxurious Aryaduta bathroom toiletries and amenities including Bathrobe, Yukata, Slippers, Hairdryer
    * Evening turn-down service
    * Selections of national and international newspaper and magazines
    * 24-hour in-room dining services
    * In-room shopping facilities

Inclusive Benefits

    * Complimentary guest  airport transfers
    * Complimentary Welcome and Farewell drink
    * Complimentary International Buffet Breakfast for 2 persons
    * Complimentary Afternoon Tea and Evening Cocktails
    * 1 hour complimentary use of Aryaduta Lounge Boardroom
    * Complimentary usage of the Workout Center
    * Airline boarding assistance

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Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto Saturday, May 08, 2010 0 comments for Hotel di Medan

Tiba di bandara Polonia Medan anda akan dijemput oleh perwakilan kami dan langsung meninggalkan Medan menuju Brastagi (sekitar 2 jam perjalanan), kota yang berhawa sejuk dengan pemandangan pegunungan yang indah. Dilanjutkan ke Peceran, sebuah desa dengan sejumlah rumah tradisional yang sampai sekarang masih digunakan, dan menuju pasar buah di Brastagi. Setelah itu check-in hotel.

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International hotel operators boost Medan's stature

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto Tuesday, May 04, 2010 0 comments for Hotel di Medan

As more international hotel chains have opened in Medan over the past two years, North Sumatra should benefit from its wider international exposure to potential foreign tourists and investors through world-wide promotion.      

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International hotel operators boost Medan's stature

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto Monday, April 26, 2010 0 comments for Hotel di Medan

As more international hotel chains have opened in Medan over the past two years, North Sumatra should benefit from its wider international exposure to potential foreign tourists and investors through world-wide promotion.      

 But as more international hotel operators entered the top-end market in the N. Sumatra provincial capital while the  global economy was weakening since late 2008, a price war seemed inevitable within the 5-star property range.
The 234-room Grand Angkasa virtually dominated the top-end hotel market until 2007. But three more 5-star properties — The Ar-yaduta, Grand Swiss-Belhotel and JW Marriott — came on stream in the country's third largest city in 2008, followed by the Grand Aston Cityhall  in January.
"Even the 287-room Marriott, which opened in late 2008 with a big bang and tried to stand out of its class eventually joined the price war that was triggered by the sudden supply of so many rooms," Grand Swiss-Belhotel's public relations manager Lisa Ngadio told The Jakarta Post in Medan.
However, Djodi Trisusanto, vice president of Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels property consulting company in Jakarta, is still upbeat about the market for upscale hotels in Medan.
Trisusanto noted  Medan is the main gateway to Sumatra and close to Malaysia and Singapore.  Commodity prices are recovering along with stronger economic growth and a new modern international airport is under construction near the city.
 These factors will make Medan, a favorite destination for long-haul tourists and a popular venue for domestic business meetings, exhibitions, conventions and incentive tours, he said.       
"We should also remember that Medan is the fifth largest destination for foreign tourists with 150,000 arrivals last year or up 14 percent from 2008, despite the sluggish international economy," Trisusanto added.
He also pointed to another demand-generator for hotels in Medan — Lake Toba, the world's largest volcanic lake — if adequately promoted, could woo more foreign tourists.
Colliers International property analyst Ferry Salanto estimated there were about 3,635 hotel rooms in the 3 to 5-star bracket in Medan as of early this year, of which the top quality category accounted for 25 percent.
"There will still be an additional supply of rooms in the  non-star rated and three-star category within the next three years. But I don't think there would be any more new properties in the 4 and 5-star category coming on stream until 2012," Salanto observed.
Ricky Theodores, the general manager of the 205-room Grand Aston Cityhall, said the top-end hotel market still depends largely on domestic business travelers.
"More than 60 percent of our guests are domestic business travelers. Only about 25 percent consist of foreign travelers [leisure and business]," Theodores told the Post in Medan.
Lisa Ngadio concurred that the main drivers of  the 4 and  5-star hotel market are domestic and foreign business travelers with  the latter group coming mainly from Singapore and Malaysia.
"We cannot expect a significant number of upscale foreign tourists within the near future if local operators cannot come up with more attractive package programs. Moreover, most infrastructure that caters to foreign travelers is still inadequate," Lisa added.
Theodores was nevertheless quite bullish about the prospects for the hotel market in view of the strong economic recovery expected this year and the role of Medan as the growth hub for North Sumatra and the Aceh economy.
He attributed his bullish sentiment to the business-friendly attitude of the Medan administration which has increasingly been aware of the important role of the travel industry as a major source of income.
"I expect an average occupancy rate performance of 70 percent this year, up significantly from 50-60 percent last year because economic growth is synonymous with business growth," Theodores added.
JW Marriot's public relations manager Handajani Susilaning Rahayu shared Theodores' optimism, saying the market would continue to grow as the local economy continued to expand.
Moreover, as more international hotel operators enter Medan, they will contribute to promoting the travel industry in the city and N. Sumatra in general through their world-wide networks, she told the Post in Medan.
"With more international hotels entering  the market, they will help bolster the potential of Medan through additional promotion and publicity via their global networks," Handajani added.
Theodores added that if each of the international operators will come up with innovative ideas to help win a greater market share then this will further contribute to Medan's development.
Vincent Lingga, The Jakarta Post, Medan

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Inna Dharma Deli Hotel

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto Friday, January 08, 2010 0 comments for Hotel di Medan
Inna Dharma Deli HotelInna Dharma Deli Hotel, is the State Owned Enterprises Indonesia (BUMN) in the field of accommodation services under PT. Hotel Indonesia Natour, located in City Square, directly opposite Medan Lapangan Merdeka,
Merdeka Walk hawker centers, ± 300 meters from the Palladium shopping center and Plaza Deli, precisely on Jalan Balai Kota No. 2 Field at zero miles.

Hotel Dharma Deli is one of the hotel which is located in the center of Medan, precisely in Jln. Balai Kota No.2 and also one of Hotel Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), with the name PT.Hotel Indonesia Natour.

Inna Dharma Deli Hotel is a historic hotel in the city of Medan, combining two of the Hotel: Hotel Wisma Deli was built in 1965 by the Department of Land Transportation, Post, Telecommunication & Tourism and Hotel Dharma Bakti is a heritage hotel owned by the Dutch government with the name `NV.Mijk De Broer built in 1878. In 1973 by the Indonesian government established the State-Owned by the name PT.HOTEL INDONESIA NATOUR, the hotel is still joined with 12 other hotels, with a new name INNA DHARMA DELI

Inna Dharma Deli, Hotel mix with the feel of the feel of a modern classic of the Netherlands is very beautiful to enjoy, with the number of rooms: 180 Rooms consisting of type: Standard, Superior, Deluxe, Suite (Royal Suite Dharma and Dharma Luxury Suite) complete with the facilities, to meet the needs of guests, giving pleasure and comfort. The hotel also offers various hotel facilities include: Bar & Restaurant, Drug Store, Swimming Pool, Health Spa, Wifi, Foot Reflexy, Airlines Office, Travel Office, Taxi Services, facilities and implement other meetings and events, with 14 rooms ranging choice capacity of 25 up to 500 people.

The existence of Inna Dharma Deli Medan in the city center, make it easy for guests to access to the regional government center, Shopping centers, Banks and other central Business, especially only 15 minutes from the Polonia International Airport, about 500 meters from the Train Station and is the main route for transportation city.

Besides the hotel offers a prime facilities, the hotel is also preparing for travel in both the city and to the tourism object in Parapat Berastagi or, to complete all the wants and needs of hotel visitors.
The hotel also does not only reflect Business hotel, but also complete with facilities development spiritual build Mosques in the location of the hotel for guests, employees, and surrounding communities.

Hotel Inna Dharma Deli
offers easy to interact with business center, government and easy access to transportation in the city in all directions.

Inna Dharma Deli Hotel Room Facilities

180 central air conditioned rooms with individual temperature control, private bathroom, shower with hot and cold water, music, IDD Telephone, Mini Bar, TV, with in-house video channel.

Inna Dharma Deli Hotel Restaurant & Bars

  • Deli Restaurant Coffee Shop
  • Public Corner
  • Sri Mersing Cafe Poolside
  • De Boer Coffe Shop

Inna Dharma Deli Hotel Convention Room

  1. Tasik Madu Hall
  2. Sri Deli
  3. Baki
  4. Lancang Kuning
  5. Sri Banang
  6. Sri Langkat
  7. Sri Bar
  8. Hall of Kuala
  9. Kuala `De Boer
  10. Kuala Dharma

Inna Dharma Deli Hotel Other Facilities

  • Out Door Swimming Pool
  • Laundry & Dry Cleaning
  • Safe Deposit Box
  • Health Spa Center
  • Phone & Fax
  • Taxi Service
  • Mosque
  • Drug Store
  • Hot Spots (WiFi)

Dharma Room Royal Suite:

Room Facilities: AC, Telephone, Guest Room, Guest Chairs, Dining Tables, Music Set, 2 pieces TV, Double Bed, Jug Kettle, Mini Bar, video programs, Wardrobe 1 set, Hair Dryer, Jet Washer, Shower & Bath Tub with Hot & Cold water: 24 hours, Bath Towels, Hand Towels, Soap, Shampoo, Bath Foam, toothpaste & tooth brush, Cup Shower, Slippers, Toilet Bowl, Mineral Water, 1 Guest Room has a special room amenities added as follows: AC , Telephone, Double Bed, TV, Music & Video program, Wardrobe 1 set, Jet Washer, guest chairs, Mini Bar, Shower & Bath Tub with Hot & Cold Water: 24 hrs, Mineral Water, Slippers, Toilet Bowl, Bathroom Towel / Hand, Soap, toothpaste / brush teeth.

Dharma Luxury Room Suite:

Room Facilities: air-conditioning. Telephone, Living room, TV, Dining table, Music Set, Kettle Jug, Mini Bar, Double Bed, Wardrobe 1 set, Shower & Bath Tub with Hot & Cold water 24 hours, video programs, Jet washer, Hair Dryer, Bath Towels / hand, toothpaste / brush teeth, Toilet Bowl, Soap, Mineral Water, Shower Curtain Shower Cup, Guest Room.

Executive Deluxe Room:

Room Facilities: Air condition, Telephone, TV Double Bed, Mini Bar, Jug Kettle, Jet Washer Guest Chair, Music & Vidio Program, Wardrobe Shower & Bath Tub with Hot & Cold water: 24 hours, bath towel, hand towel, toothpaste & Tooth Brush, Soap, Bath Foam, Shower Curtain Shower Cup. mineral water, Sandals, Footwear. Guest Room.

Deluxe Rooms:

Number of Rooms: 30 rooms Room Facilities: Air Condition, Telephone, TV Guest Chairs, Mini Bar, Lamari, Jet Washer Music & Video programs, Shower & Bath Tub with Hot & Cold water: 24 Hour, Bath Towel Hand Towel, Soap, toothpaste & Tooth Brush, Shower Curtain, Shower Cup, footwear, soap, Sandal, mineral water, Guest Room

Deboer Standard Rooms:

Number of Rooms: 24 Room Facilities Room: air condition, Telephone, TV \ Music & Vidio programs, Mini Bar, Wardrobe, Shower & Bath Tub Hot & Cold water: 24 Hour Guest Chair, Twin Bed, Bath Towel / Hand Soap, toothpaste & tooth brush, Shower Curtain / Mineral Water Cup, Footwear, Sandals, Guest Amenities

Inna Dharma Deli Hotel Location

Location at Kilometer 0 of Medan all the most accessible place in short time.

  • Railway Station ± 5 Minutes
  • Post Office ± 3 Minutes
  • Polonia Airport ± 10 Minutes
  • Bank Mandiri ± 5 Minutes
  • Bank Indonesia ± 2 Minutes
  • BCA ± 5 Minutes
  • Center for Food
  • Merdeka Walk ± 3 Minutes
  • Deli Plaza ± 5 Minutes
  • Palladium Plaza ± 6 Minutes
  • Sun Plaza ± 10 Minutes
  • Medan Fair Plaza ± 10 Minutes
  • Medan Plaza ± 10 Minutes
  • Pajak Petisah ± 5 Minutes
  • Pajak Sambu ± 10 Minutes
  • Pajak Fish ± 8 Minutes
Inna Dharma Deli Hotel Medan
Jl Balaikota No.2 Medan - 20111
Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
Phone. (061) 4147744 - 4157744
Fax. (061) 4144477 - 4535237

Inna Dharma Deli Hotel Medan location by Google maps

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